Sonntag, 26. Januar 2014

«Ana al-Haqq» (Einer der bekanntesten Aussprüche eines Sufis. Dieser Ausspruch lautet übersetzt „Ich bin die Wahrheit“, wobei Haqq nicht nur Wahrheit bedeutet, sondern auch einer der Namen Gottes ist.)

«In school, you learn the lessons, then you take the test. In life, you take the test, then you learn the lessons.»

– Diane Linsley 
«Wenn ein Text 'shibumi' (Zusammengezognheit, Kürze) – 'kire' (Zäsur und Nebeneinanderstellung) – 'atarashimi' (Neuigkeit) und 'yûgen' (Geheimnis und Offenheit) enthält, besteht die Chance, wenngleich nicht die Garantie, das ein gelungenes Haiku vorliegt…»

– Dietmar Tauchner
«Despite the fact that we are physically here, we are freer than everyone sitting across from us. We can say anything we want!»

Nadeschda Andrejewna Tolokonnikowa, member of Pussy Riot

Extract out of the full quote by Nadia:

“By and large, the three members of Pussy Riot are not the ones on trial here. If we were, this event would hardly be so significant. This is a trial of the entire political system of the Russian Federation... Despite the fact that we are physically here, we are freer than everyone sitting across from us on the side of the prosecution. We can say anything we want and we say everything we want... So, open all the doors, tear off your epaulets; Come, taste freedom with us.”

Read the original article in Forbes.
«Hatred eats the soul of the hater, not the hated».

– Alice Herz (remark made in summer 2012, at that time she was 108 years old)
«I believe in love. lust. sex. romance. I don’t want everything to add up to the perfect equation…I want mess and chaos. I want someone to go crazy out of his mind for me. I want to feel passion, heat and madness. I want it all.»

– Tori Pflibsen
«[Wikileaks] could become as important a journalistic tool as the Freedom of Information Act.»

– Time Magazine

Man kennt nicht die Früchte der Bäume, die man pflanzt.

– Somalisches Sprichwort 
«Sage dich selbst aus und vermeide das Interview

– TZI (Themenzentrierte Interaktion) 
«Die Absicht nenne ich Karma, ihr Mönche» 

– Siddhartha Gautama
«Ahab to Ismael: «Aaaall the space, it's … all emptiness, it's all whiteness… Like the whale. Oooahahaa, he's in your blood now! He has touched your heart.»

– Ahab (Main Character of the film Moby Dick, TV Series)
«Wir sind keine Feinde, sondern Freunde. Wir dürfen keine Feinde sein. Leidenschaft mag die Bande unserer Zuneigung anspannen, aber zerreißen darf sie sie nicht. Die mystischen Klänge der Erinnerung werden ertönen, wenn – und das ist sicher – die besseren Engel unserer Natur sie wieder berühren.»

– Abraham Lincoln (Werk: Antrittsrede)
«Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.»

– Albert Einstein
«Everything important will find its ways to you many, many times: don't worry if you miss it.»

– Stowe Boyd
«One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors»

– Plato
«[To] All my relatives, remember – only the rocks stay on the earth forever.»  

– White Antelope
«Nobody is free until Leonard Peltier is free – Niemand ist frei, solange Leonard Peltier nicht frei ist!»

– unknown (found as a graffiti on a wall?)
«To heal will require real effort, and a change of heart, from all of us. To heal means that we will begin to look upon one another with respect and tolerance instead of prejudice, distrust and hatred. We will have to teach our children-as well as ourselves-to love the diversity of humanity....We can do it. Yes, you and I and all of us together. Now is the time. Now is the only possible time. Let the Great Healing begin.»

– Leonard Peltier
«Die Stärke des Volkes misst sich am Wohl der Schwachen»

– Auszug aus der Präambel der Schweizer Bundesverfassung
«Da, wo du nicht bist, da ist das Glück.»

– Polnisches Sprichwort

«Wem genug zu wenig ist, der hat nie genug.»

– Epikur 
«Erleuchtet ist der, der das Ausmass der eigenen Illusion erkennt. Verblendet ist der, der sich Illusionen über die Erleuchtung macht.»

– Dogen Zenji 
«Nicht weil es schwer ist, wagen wir es nicht, sondern weil wir es nicht wagen, ist es schwer.» 

– Lucius Annaeus Seneca

«That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without argument.» 

– Julian Assange
«Those who are willing to trade Freedom for security deserve neither.»

– Benjamin Franklin
«Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now high chancellor, Adam Sutler. He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.»

– V (Character from movie V like Vendeatta)
«[Innovation] comes from saying no to 1’000 things to make sure we don't get on the wrong track or try to do too much.»

– Steve Jobs
«Gebt mir sechs Zeilen und ich finde einen Grund ihn umzubringen.»

– Kardinal Richelieu de Vollmeys
About Haiku: «A complete immersion in the present without concern or attachment toward the past or future, but also with a sense that everything is fleeting, that this moment will never come again, and thus that the present has unqualified value.» 

– David Barnhill in «Moments, Seasons and Mysticism: The Complexity of Time in Japanese Haiku»
«I am a spiritual being, the same as you, primarily. Then I'm a human being and this part of the human being is the body, which has a condition.»

– Leon Botha (painter, DJ, artist)

«I can't live. With or without you…»

– U2, irische Popband

«Sapere aude» 
(Wage es, dich deines eigenen Verstandes zu bedienen) 

– Wahlspruch der Aufklärung

Contemplating the “near enemy” and “far enemy” of each of the Four Immeasureables has helped me greatly to be on the lookout for egoic impersonations that are masquerading as the actual qualities I’m hoping to cultivate. Here’s the list as I’ve learned it:
1. Loving-kindness (metta): far enemy = hatred; near enemy = attachment
2. Compassion (karuna): far enemy = cruelty; near enemy = pity (or “idiot compassion”)
3. Sympathetic Joy / Appreciation (mudita): far enemy = envy; near enemy = hypocrisy, insincerity, comparison
4. Equanimity (upekkha): far enemy = anxiety, greed; near enemy = indifference
While the “far enemies” are pretty easy to spot, it’s the “near enemies” that can be tricky ….

– Machig (
«Was würde die Hand ohne den Geist machen? Und was der Geist ohne die Hand?»
(in Anspielung auf Oswald Spengler's Zitat: 'Hand und Geist sind zarteste und mächtigste Waffe.' aus 'Urfragen. Fragmente aus dem Nachlass')

– Roger Le Marié 

Audiatur et altera pars 
(lat. für «Gehört werde auch der andere Teil.» bzw. «Man höre auch die andere Seite.»)

– Grundsatz aus dem römischen Recht